Books and Bites: Edible Flowers and Nature Reads

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This event requires a payment of $5.00 per registrant to attend.
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Allowed Ages: Adult

Program Description


Join us for another joint program between CCPL's Westminster Branch and Exploration Commons, hosted in our teaching kitchen! We will learn about edible flowers while attendees will help create one of five dishes to share among the whole group: 

- Butterfly Pea Flower Salad

- Fried Squash Blossoms

- Mango Smoothie Bowl with Edible Flower Garnishes

- Melon Hibiscus Sorbet

While we eat, librarians Hannah and Joy will book talk a variety of narrative nonfiction nature-focused books that will be available for checkout at the end of class.


Registration verifies your acceptance of Exploration Commons' program cancellation and kitchen safety procedures.

The Exploration Commons kitchen is not an allergen-free facility.

All attendees need to register.