Pick up a kit containing all the materials you need to make bookmarks to benefit those going through cancer treatment at the Carroll Hospital.
All attendees need to register.
Pick up a kit containing all the materials you need to make bookmarks to benefit those going through cancer treatment at the Carroll Hospital.
All attendees need to register.
Craft supply kits will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at CCPL's Westminster Branch. You can pick them up starting on Fridays, during library hours, while supplies last.
Join your little one at a storytime featuring interactive books, rhymes, music, and movement, followed by playgroup activities that allow children to practice skills and socialize.
Please wear a mask during this program. Due to the nature of this program, wearing a mask helps protect all attendees, especially those most vulnerable.
Grow with Baby: Hatchlings in the Nest is designed for parents with babies six months of age and younger. Join us for this informative and fun early literacy program.
Only adults need to register.
Join us for storytime at Charlotte's Quest. We will read stories, play music, and have fun.
Drop in for self-directed use of our makerspace resources and activities during open lab hours!
Please wear a mask during this program. Due to the nature of this program, wearing a mask helps protect all attendees, especially those most vulnerable.